Lab members
陳良賢 Gilbert Audira (Post Doc)
Bachelor of Science in Faculty of Biotechnology, Catholic University of Atma Jaya, Indonesia [email protected] g[email protected] |
顧柯文 Kevin Adi Kurnia (PhD student)
Bachelor of Science in Faculty of Biotechnology, Catholic University of Atma Jaya, Indonesia [email protected] g[email protected] |
梁高勝 Cao Thang (Vincent) Luong (PhD student)
Institute of Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering I Shou University (co-adivsed with prof. C.H. Hung) [email protected] |
范柏思 Basit Ali Khan (PhD student)
M.S. in Microbiology, Government College University Lahore (GCUL), Pakistan (co-adivsed with prof. T.R. Ger) [email protected] |
陳明權 MINH-QUAN (Harry) TRAN (Master student) Chemical Engineering, Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (co-adivsed with prof. M.F. Hsieh) [email protected] |
Nitiphong Kaewman (IIPP Internship) 2024-12-01~2025-02-28 Chiang Mai University, Thailand [email protected] |
游思復 Mahmood Yousaf (PhD student) Computer Science, Namal University Mianwali, Pakistan [email protected] |
孟巴可 Muhammad Baqir Khan (Master student) Biotechnology, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Pakistan [email protected] |
蘇麥克 Michael Edbert Suryanto
(PhD student, 2021-2024) Bachelor of Science in Faculty of Biotechnology, Catholic University of Atma Jaya, Indonesia [email protected] g[email protected] |
蕭亦凡 Ferry Saputra (PhD student, 2021-2024)
Bachelor of Science in Faculty of Biotechnology, Catholic University of Atma Jaya, Indonesia [email protected] [email protected] |
Shaira Shane Orencio (IIPP Internship)
2024-05-01~2024-07-30 University Of Santo Tomas, Philippines [email protected] |
江次宏 Petrus Siregar (PhD student, 2021-2024)
Bachelor of Science in Faculty of Biotechnology, Catholic University of Atma Jaya, Indonesia [email protected] g[email protected] |
蕭恩里 Ali Farhan (PhD student, 2021-2024)
M.S. in Department of Bioinformatics and Biotechnology, Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan [email protected] |
趙柏宇 Kumail Abbas (Master student, 2019-2021)
University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore, Pakistan (Major in Veterinary Science) [email protected] |
馬禾川 Nemi Malhotra (PhD student)
M.S in Biotechnology Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi, India [email protected] [email protected] (Co-advised with Prof. T.R. Ger) |
蕭俊 Akhlaq Hussain (Master student, 2018-2020) Government College University Faisalabad, Pakistan [email protected] [email protected] |
裴氏玉孝 Bui Thi Ngoc Hieu (PhD student, 2015-2020)
Lecturer, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam [email protected] |
張春麗 Fiorency Santoso (Master student, 2018-2020)
Bachelor of Food Technology, Soegijapranata Catholic University, Indonesia [email protected] g[email protected] |
林予農 Yu‐Nung (Vivian) Lin (PD student) Department of Life Science, National Taiwan University [email protected] (Co-advised with Prof. H.Y. Lee) |
阮氏玉英 Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh
(Master student, 2017-2019) Bachelor of Biotechnology, Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry, Vietnam [email protected] |
史云佳 Sreeja Sarasamma
(PhD student, 2016-2019) M.S in Biotechnology Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tamilnadu, India [email protected] |
梁松子 Sung-Tzu Liang (postdoc fellow, 2016-2019) Ph.D., Molecular and Cell Biology University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas, USA [email protected] |
沈伯尼 Bonifasius Putera Sampurna
(Master student. 2017-2019) Bachelor of Science in Faculty of Biotechnology, Catholic University of Atma Jaya, Indonesia [email protected] |
蔡承良 Stevhen Juniardi
(Master student, 2017-2019) Bachelor of Science in Faculty of Biotechnology, Catholic University of Atma Jaya, Indonesia [email protected] |
Jordan Ferdin A. Halili (Visiting scientist) University of the Philippines - Diliman, Philippines [email protected] |
Omar Villalobos (visiting scientist)
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines (supervised by Oliver B. Villaflores ) [email protected] |
Rhenz Alfred D. Liman (visiting scientist) The Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines (supervised by Oliver B. Villaflores ) [email protected] |
Postdoc (2011/3-2011/12)

Samuel Rajendran Rapael
PhD Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
PhD Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
Postdoc (2011-2014)

陳吉芳 博士
PhD National Taiwan Ocean University
Ms Chung Yuan Christian University
PhD National Taiwan Ocean University
Ms Chung Yuan Christian University